Monday, August 08, 2005


There are some things in life that I find hard to part with. Things, literally. There is my bass, of course. And then this chocolate bear or something that Hui Ying bought for me for my birthday(which I've kept in the fridge since March) as well as this parcel full of Kinder Chocolates that my friend from Holland sent me. I don't understand why there is such 'connection'. Just take the chocolates as example. I want to eat them but my heart feels funny and strange and not wanting to eat them. How I wish I was never given these awesome things in life so I don't have to think about parting with them!

Strange, isn't it? I would rather give them away rather than keeping it to myself and enjoy it all by myself. Take the Kinder Chocs as example. Since young, I've always wanted to have them, especially those Kinder Surprise eggs but they were never available in Malaysia and even if they were, we could not afford them last time(yadda..yadda.... getting all emo here). Now that I actually have 3 of these eggs in my fridge because the kind person sent them to me all the way from Holland(Yeah, I know I can buy them from S'pore but what the hell), I don't wish to eat them. I guess the best thing to do is to give them to my siblings.

This is a rather strange entry because I know exactly the kind of feeling I'm going through now but I don't have any idea how to put them into words. So, I'm pretty much typing spontaneously without thinking much. I know you would say, "Aiyah...just type itlah...". Well, if I just type it out, it would look like this:


And the moral of the story is: Don't buy me anything that is too awesome.

If you don't know how Kinder Surprise looks like and wish to know what is it that's burdening me, here it is:

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