Tuesday, December 20, 2005

premise of growth

I talked a little about this in the car just now while sending Ryan, Chris, T.Li and T.Hui home just now from caroling practice.

Something that popped into my mind while I was driving was this: camps or workshops or whatever that a person may go to is only a premise of growth. It really doesn't matter which camp you go to or which speaker you go and listen or which bunch of people that you hang out with because these things(camps, workshops, etc..) are only a premise of growth. God will use whatever at His disposal, which I'm pretty sure a lot of things, so that we will go. It doesn't mean that when we go for Camp A we will grow more spiritually or vice versa with Camp B. Because God will use whatever to let you grow as much as He wants you to grow. Either way, even if you DON'T go for any camp, God is still going to cause you to grow as much or to the fullest that He intended you to grow.

So, for those out there who can't make it for any camps(me included), rest assured, you will grow/have grown as much as God has intended you to grow spiritually and that is all that matters.

Mmm... nah. No picture today. I'm going to tweak around with different templates and don't be surprise or call the BlogCops when you see any anomalies because I would ALREADY KNOW ABOUT THEM.



Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

At least the owner was reasonable. Or maybe it wasn't really his dog and he just wanted to see your reaction and ask for payment. He didn't seem very upset (according to your narration) Are u sure the dog died? How come u didn't take it to the vet?

Anonymous said...

also, I posted this on the wrong link