Friday, July 29, 2005


Fellow brethrens who see this blog for the first time will definitely go, "What?!" Why is this 'Christian' man going about posting stuff about 'fuck'? Why is he swearing and cussing and blabbering terrible things out of his mouth?

Well, fuck.

Think about it. Why is the 4 letter word considered a cuss word? Why is it a taboo to say or to even mention it? Does it make us somewhat un-holy? Or insensitive? Or some evil bastard child?

The question is: why is it wrong? Is it because that everytime we say the word, the thought of sexually explicit acts come into our mind? Is it because of it's thought provokingness or is it because that we have our minds primed to think that it's wrong to say it, that it's bad, that if you say it, you're in some sort of way 'soliciting' or associating yourself with indecent acts that a good, obedient youth should avoid. Is it because that we have been thought since young never to say it because it is rude. Because our parents say so. Because our teachers say so. Because this guy says so or this lady say so.

Imagine this: instead of the word fuck being the vulgar word, let's put 'cheese' in it's shoes. What we are all primed to think that cheese is just as bad as the word, fuck. So, next time someone says cheese you, it would be just as bad. I'm not sure about you but if you're thinking along the same wavelength as I am, you might be beginning to see the point that I like to prove. I mean, yes, in our modern context, fuck is a pretty bad word but remember: it's a word.

So, next time, when you're about to take a group photograph and the cameraman goes, "Say cheese!", think about this. :)

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