Thursday, November 03, 2005


Finally mustered up enough strength and guts to get a haircut after 2 months or so. My hair was in a mess and I really have to get rid some(read: LOTS) of the hair. Oh yeah, I went to a hairstylist too. But wait! Don't brand me a queer, gay-man or metrosexual heebies-jeebies just yet! I had to go to wherever my mom or my sisters go to do their hair because my regular barber 'tutup kedai' already and he shifted to Singapore 2 weeks ago. Not like I'm trying to give reasons before stepping into a hair saloon but you know, just saying.

Anyway, I was hoping real hard not to be given an 'ah beng' hair cut but since I'm pretty bad at giving hair styling instructions to the man with the scissors, I just told him to go crazy on my lump of hair. And the end result? EXACTLY as what I expected. The 'ah beng' hair. *cries* But it's not too bad though, cause my mom and my sisters think it's way better than my other hair style, which they called the '2 crabs on my head' hair style.

Apparently my hair looks like it has been shaped in the same wind tunnel just like all the other frat boyz and ah bengz because it seems like it's blown to one side thanks to my hair texture or grain. I don't really know whether I should stick with whatever the man with the scissors(yeah, I know I could just call him the barber but it seems a little degrading since he works in a saloon with a bunch of ladies. So, more power to him) OR go back to my so called '2 crabs on my head' hair.

Decisions... decisions...

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Anonymous said...
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KingChai said...

I'm sorry but I don't do badminton racquets(yes, you spelled wrong, you advertising robot!) nor do I plug shit from scam artists to spam robots. Go jump off a building, KTHXBYE.