Saturday, November 10, 2007

Music is so beautiful

I was home alone tonight cause the family decided to run some errands outstation leaving me at home to take care of things. Anyway, I turned on one of the radio channels on Astro and after surfing around I decided on 'Opus', which is a satellite radio channel for classical music. Now, whenever someone speak of classical music, people usually think of the 1812 Overture by Tchaikovsky or rather the 9th Symphony by Beethoven.

Classical music is so much more than that, my friends. Although I have a crappy TV with crappy sound, I still got a huge kick out of listening to the sounds of different instruments and notes as well as chords mixing together into one beautiful piece of work. No, it's not that I'm high on drugs nor am I seeing colours or 'music' around me. It's just that when you listen to these works, as simple as they are sometimes, you can hear that there's a purpose behind everything. Maybe it's trying to accentuate another instrument or even making way for the coming lines.

It's almost like fine dining. Just that it costs next to nothing.

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