Friday, February 22, 2008

I have a cunning plan.

Well, it's that time of the year again, where students all over Malaysia who are waiting for their results, bust their heads and rack their brains to figure what are the steps that they should take for the sake of their futures.

Well, I have a cunning plan. A plan that's more cunning that a cunning fox, mated from 2 of the most cunning species of animals in a cunning animal kingdom, born and bred in Cunningham, the most cunning place in this cunning world. Yes, it's that cunning.

Some of you have heard of my cunning plan and just because you know about it, doesn't mean you have to tell the whole world about it. Just give it time and let things fall into place by itself. Don't ruin the fun for others or rather for me, because cunning plans are the funniest. Because they have the double 'n' in the middle, like a tiddle in the piddle.

Anyway, that means my role as the Project Manager of Thinking Bulb Productions (fancy name and title, eh?) is coming to and end and I'll be free to talk a little bit regarding my experiences as well as some of the things that has happened along the way(Eh... lai jiang xing shi leh...). And also, some pictures!

Stay tune and no, this blog is not dead, like Ted!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yay...king chai discovered his hidden rhyming talent