Thursday, May 18, 2006

cuas cover

Yep, it is official. Mucho gracias to senor David for this fine piece of art:

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Click on it to enlarge it and bask in the awesomeness of David's photoshop mad-skillz. David agreed to let us use it as our cover for our coming 'album' although I haven't really discuss about this matter with the lads yet. Yes, I will, soon enough.

And again, thanks again, senor David!


Anonymous said...

as of now... i wouldn't be too sure of an album. but an ep definitely sounds reachable.

Anonymous said...

not to sure about the words tho. a bit urm scrawny. :p
but yea-i get an autograph copy! even if its just a single in the end :P

Anonymous said...

uhh... all of you do know that you can click on the picture to make it bigger, right?