Wednesday, July 26, 2006

busy busy busy

Probably from now on till the end of my Form 6 I will be a very busy chap. First of all, I'm part of the English Language Society(ELS) Board of Directors and in that club itself I have to plan for the Farewell Dinner 05/06, newspaper distribution as well as the Talent Time. Yes, in that order. During all that I also have to prepare for my coming 1st monthly test, which will be held from the 9th till 11th of August(in about 2 weeks time).

That's just school.

There's also the coming Eden's Gotong-Royong Campaign band-thing. We need to rehearse for the band soon cause the event would be pretty huge and about 1000 people will be there to gather at the Jubli Intan Hall on the 20th of August.

All of that PLUS all the studies that I will have to catch up.


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