Tuesday, August 22, 2006


The Eden's Gotong-royong gig was awesome. Playing in front of hundreds of people is really a different experience and I really thank God for the opportunity. It's cool.


I went home and I couldn't move both my calves and my left arm's botched. So, I thought that was due to exhaustion and promptly went off to sleep and rest. Woke up the next morning feeling alright already and later at night, I tried to pick up the bass again and clean it a little. The moment I tried to play it, my left hand, which is the fretting hand felt as if it's gonna come off. As if a nerve's been pressed down and the muscle just cramped to oblivion. I had a bit of that feeling when I was playing on Sunday but I ignored it and continued playing. Still, it hurted so bad and after reading some articles online, it could be tendonitis caused by bad playing technique(which is very possible considering I didn't have any formal lessons) or lack of exercise(which isn't very possible cause I've been playing for 4 years and this is the first time I'm experiencing this kind of pain).

So, I went to see the doc and he said that it's probably a pulled muscle and hopefully nothing serious. Phew. He gave me some MEDS to take and I'm told to rest that arm of mine from playing for a while. C'mon... honestly, how many bassists do you know who take meds when they play?! Ridiculous. Haha..

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